Hello Parents/Guardians and Future Campers!
Mrs. Vernon and Mrs. Combs are the 6th grade camp directors. Each year we work hard to put together a fun and unforgettable camp experience for LaMuth's 6th grade students. Below you will find basic information about camp. Please check this page for updates on camp throughout the year.
When is camp?
- Camp week is Monday, May 21st through Thursday, May 24th. Group A will go Monday-Tuesday. Group B will go Wednesday-Thursday.
Where is camp?
- Camp Whitewood in Windsor, Ohio. It is about a 30 minute drive from LaMuth.
How much does camp cost?
- Camp is $155 and includes all meals, activities, and an I Love Camp t-shirt.
- The fee does NOT include transportation. You must be dropped off and picked up from camp.
- The Malley's Chocolate fundraiser will help pay your camp fee. 30% of your sales will go towards your fee.
- Payment accepted between March 14th and March 23rd.
Who goes to camp?
- Any 6th grade student from LaMuth who: demonstrates good behavior, has an acceptable attendance record, pays the camp fee in full, turns in all required forms.
- Riverside juniors and seniors will serve as camp counselors.
- LaMuth 6th grade teachers will teach the classes.
- Nurse
What do you do at camp?
- You will be divided into classes during the day. These classes include: fishing, boating, archery, BB guns, craft, wilderness survival, TEAM challenges, stream hike, science, cemetery study and recreation.
- In the evening you will have time to play games with your friends, shop at the gift shop and participate in skit night.
Where do you sleep?
- There are cabins with bunk beds to sleep on. On average, 7-12 students will be assigned to a cabin. Two counselors will stay with you in the cabin.
Who do you share a cabin with?
- In APRIL, you will get to write down the names of 2 friends you would like to be in a cabin with. You are gauranteed to be in a cabin with at least one of them. Mrs. Vernon and Mrs. Combs will put the cabin groups together and post them in the cafeteria the week before camp.
What do you eat at camp?
- There are Amish cooks at camp that will make all of your meals. Food is served family style in the dining hall.
- Please notify Mrs. Vernon and Mrs. Combs regarding any food allergies.
What should I bring to camp?
- Packing list- This list will also be in the I Love Camp packet and will be distributed closer to camp time.
Can I bring a cell phone to camp?
- No, you cannot bring cell phones (or any electronic devices) to camp. Camp is not a safe environment for these items.
- If you would like to take pictures at camp, you can bring a disposable camera.
Is there a nurse at camp?
- There will be a nurse at camp the entire week.
- A medical form will be sent home in March. Any student requiring prescription and/or over-the-counter medication must have a doctor’s signature on their form. We are legally not allowed to give medication to anyone without a doctor’s signature.
- Students must turn in this form or they will not be allowed to go to camp.
Questions? Email us...